Investment Opportunities
We Have Room to Grow
Labrador West has a strong industrial base and is strategically situated to take advantage of developments throughout Labrador and Northern Quebec. As a provincial gateway, Labrador West is a strategic distribution center, supported by a year-round air, ground and rail transportation network connecting to the port facilities in Baie Comeau and Sept-Iles, Quebec and Happy Valley-Goose Bay in central Labrador. A superior quality of life, a pro-business environment provides an attractive and responsive environment for new investment.
Situated on the rich iron ore deposits of the Labrador Trough, the regional economy is primarily derived from mineral extraction, processing and provision of services to the mining sector.
The majority of businesses in Labrador West service Canada’s largest exporters of iron ore products, the Iron Ore Company and Arcelor Mittal; consumers of industrial goods and services in excess of $300 million annually. To become a certified supplier, the mining companies evaluate potential suppliers utilizing an exacting set of criteria. Meeting the requirement for “just-in-time delivery”, local presence is recognized as a value added component, in combination with quality, service and price. Quality businesses situated in Labrador West have a strategic competitive advantage. Industrial land is readily available for construction.
Many local companies, with 50+ years experience providing quality products and exemplary service in a subarctic industrial environment, are receptive to joint venture opportunities and new product lines.
In addition to servicing the mining sector, Labrador West businesses have road access to Churchill Falls; one of the world’s largest underground hydro-electric generating facilities and are strategically situated to take advantage of other developments within Labrador and Northern Quebec including the development of the Lower Churchill hydro project.
Labrador West is the most accessible community in Labrador twelve months of the year via road, rail and air. The Trans Labrador Highway connects the region with seasonal port facilities in Central Labrador and networks to coastal communities within Labrador.
The Quebec North Shore & Labrador Railway (QNS&L) connects Labrador West with the year round deep water port facilities at Sept-Iles, Quebec.
The Trans Quebec Labrador Highway, provides access to the year round deep water port facilities at Baie Comeau, Quebec and the Trans Canada Highway network, providing new opportunities for trucking, distribution and service operations.
Low electrical and tax rates, available land to accommodate new industry, easy access to all transportation links, a heavy industrial base and an exceptional quality of life are waiting for you. If you’re thinking of starting a new business or if expansion plans are in your future, we would like to hear from you.
We Have Room to Grow
Improve Your Life & Career
A Prime Location for Investment
Our Lower Operating Costs
Higher Salaries & Lower Costs
Year-Round & Diverse Accessibility
More than Just Iron Ore
Opportunities to Build Your Business
A Diverse & Growing Population
Helping Our Economy Thrive
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