- First come first serve basis
- Payment will need to be made at registration, no spots will be held
- You will NOT be permitted to register more than ONE other family of children other than your own.
- Registration will take place on Tuesday, June 21st and Wednesday, June 22nd between the hours of 7 and 9 pm at the LC arena •
- There will be NO registration taken before those dates .
- Fees are K-3-$40/week; Grade 4-6 – $80/week ; Grade 7 & 8 -$80/week
- Hours of the program will be K-3: 9:30-12 and 1:00-3:30 pm, Gr. 4-6: 10 am-3 pm, Gr. 7 & 8: 10am-3 pm
- The Grade 7 & 8 teen fusion program (limited numbers) will be led by counsellor Juanita Wells
- Registration forms are available at LC Arena starting Monday, June 13 should you want to take one and have it filled out for registration day.
- Programs run from July 4th-August 12th